Saturday, June 5, 2010

Binding Distractions

Once again!

It seems that when we are on a journey to achieve a goal, there is always something that seems to ( try) to trip us up. whether it be of the natural world , another human being,or a technical difficulty, distractions are just a normal part of life. For example, at the gym I go to, the older folks love to hang out and talk and possibly work out in between. It's cool to say "hello" and give a side hug or two , but when I am taken aside and given a punchbowl of gossip when i don't even want a sip...and need I mention the former inmates and their "yard" antics? I was growing disgusted, so I started going to the gym at different times to avoid it all, and didn't even get on the bus on the weekends. But I had some other things in my life going on and those same old folks that i was avoiding were the ones that held me when I cried. So I alternated my days and bought an mp3 player. Problem solved. I also don't always bring my phone with me, or just turn the ringer off until i get done. We can't allow the distraction to hinder us from the task at hand. All we can do is work thru it and not forget what's important:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

"What's my Motivation? What's YOUR Motivation?"

Hello all,
My compettion is in a few weeks and my nerves have been on edge. Not because of the diet and the fatigue from the extra cardio. In between the bouts of rain and self-doubt, sometimes I lose motivation. However, when I think about that fateful day when I am standing on that stage in my famous clear heels that I got cracked on for owning/doing shoots in, and my turquoise suit that i will be bedazzling myself with my head full of curls and hoop earrings, it gets me off the couch and on the bus. When I think about the story that I will one day tell about how this contest came about during a time of financial crisis, it's worth it. Yes, I am the underdog. My fellow competitors have their own clique. I work out alone. I eat alone. I pray and ask God to send me angels as spotters. But the underdog doesn't always stay under. I have to remind myself that I have been training for 12 years with so many other challenges, why give up now? Or at all? I am doing this for me, because if this personal training isn't my claim to fame, at least I know I went down fighting. That's what motivates well as the support of my family, friends, and facebook peeps.
On the flipside, I am trying to run a business and the first thing that I ask a potential client is "What is your motivation?" The answers range from: "My husband/boyfriend/babydaddy cheated on me", "I hate the way that I look ( but you did a photo shoot with your behind hanging out in a thong?) " , "I want to lose just my stomach ( so misinformed) ", yada , yada, yada. I hear them all. When it's time to discuss the actual PROCESS of improvement there is always an excuse..."My boyfriend likes me fat," "I don't have time", "I have a kid". Worthless excuses. Do I get frustrated? Yes, because during that spiel I could have a V8 Fusion. True motivation comes from that great thing called willpower. Much like common sense, it's a free gift that some people don't want. I should not have to sit here and give you a speech on the wonders of getting off the couch and going for a brisk walk with ...the dog, the babydaddy, the kid, the babydaddy and the kid....the babbydaddy, the kid and the dog...see my point? Why be motivated by the negative? Especially when it's a personal choice?  I don't need to elaborate. Bottom line, if you want better, think better about yourself. I'm not your mind, your self-esteem, or your free will. But I can be your trainer.

So what's your motivation?